
Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Impact Of Facebook On Students Academic Performance Commerce Essay

Impact Of Facebook On Students Academic Performance Commerce EssayThe habit of social Networking localizes, such as Twitter, Facebook, Likendin, Orkut etc atomic number 18 growing twenty-four hours by day in India. Facebook is one of the democratic social networking website among young adults and college students. Further, very few interrogationes conduct foc intentd on influence of Facebook on students Academic mental process in India. Through this research, we have try to throw a light on the relationship between usance of Facebook, a popular online social Networking site students academic performance. The ruminate will be undertaken to know the frequency of usage of face book. Also, the study will try to find pop unwrap the relation between time dog-tired for use of facebook and time for study .The study will focus to know the closely prefer social networking site among students and also to know the impact by the willpower of GPRS phones and use of facebook.For th is research, descriptive research design will be used. The sample size will be 300 Students of Ahmadabad. Structure questionnaire developed to measure influence of Facebook on college students Academic Performance with respect to Ahmedabad.1.0 Introduction socializing via the Internet has become an increasingly grave part of young adult life. Relative to the general population, adolescents and young adults be the heaviest Internet users.SNS are the latest communication tool for interaction with people in their networksSocial networking sites can be defined as an online platform which builds and reflects the networking among people and builds relationship among them. People share their interests, activities each other with such sites.The most famous social networking sites in India are Orkut, facebook, LinkedIn, Ibibo, Twitter.One such website is Facebook, whose founder was Mark Zuckerberg along with his roommates and fellow students Eduardo Saverin Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hugh es. The website was launched in February and privately owned by Facebook Inc. It was ranked as the most used social networking service worldwide by a January 2009 compete.com study.Facebook also consists of man-to-man profile, his/her social links, list of personal interests, contact information, personal information, photos and variant other things. Through such sites, users can communicate and share with friends various activities and also join hosts of their interests, worry pages, advertise product/service. It also offers privacy settings wherein an individual can see only the specific parts of profile. Users can also control the information viewed by others through their privacy settings. Such websites generate capacious revenue by advertising and posting banner ads.Asia stands at second position among the facebook users in the world having 183.9 millions of users having 4.7% penetration level. Facebook is very popular social networking site among the college students. Sev eral researches have examined the effect of social media on the academic performance of the studentsThrough this research, we have focused on one of the social networking site i.e facebook and tried to find out the influence of facebook on academicperformance of the students.2.0 Literature ReviewIn the paper entitled The influence of social networking sites on students academic performance in Malaysia by Adam Mahamat Helou and Nor Za irah Ab. Rahim, they tried to study the students perceptions on the use of social networking sites and its influence on their academic performance.They found most of the respondents do feel that the SNSs have more positive impact on their academic perfor mance due to its use for various academic activities such as communicating with the faculty and university authority, communicating with lecturers and supervisors, make academic discussionswith classmates and chatting with friends in respect to topics o f breedingal interestNicola Cavalli Et al. in hi s paper Facebook influence on university students media habits qualitative results from a field research found that nearly half of them were unfamiliar with facebook site and contrary during 2009 all of the respondents were aware and about 59% of them use it regularly.In the paper Effects of social network on students performance A web-based forum study in Taiwan the researcher investigated the effects of social networks on the performance of students online education. They found that students who are more active on facebook have positive effect on their academic performance.In a study of Lessons from Facebook The Effect of Social Network Sites on College Students Social Capital by Sebastin Valenzuela2, and Kerk F. Kee4 University of Texas at Austin they examined that there exists moderate relation between intensity of facebook usage and life satisfaction, social trust, civic participation and political engagement of students.In the paper The relationship between facebook usage and academic performance A study at Ohio state University by Aryn Karpinski and Adam Duberstein (Ohio Dominican University) found that facebook usage was associated with lower GPAs, and less time studying. Those who use facebook tended to have lower GPAs than those who did not, and it appears from the slew of articles written about it, that within the group that used facebook that more usage was associated with lower GPAs and less time studying.A study on The Benefits of Facebook Friends Social Capital and College Students Use of Online Social Network Sites by Nicole B. Ellison,Charles Steinfield and Cliff Lampe examines the relationship between use of Facebook, a popular online socialnetwork site, and the formation and maintenance of social capital.The study suggested a strong association between use of Facebook and the three types of social capital, with the strongest relationship being to bridging social capital.In a research paper entitled Lessons from Facebook The Effect of Socia l Network Sites on College Students Social Capital by Sebastin Valenzuela, Namsu Park, and Kerk F. Kee at University of Texas at Austin examines if Facebook, is one of the most popular social network sites among young adults in the U.S.3.0 ObjectivesTo study How overmuch time students actively spent on face book.To know the most preferred social networking site among studentsTo know the impact by the self-control of GPRS phones and use of facebook.To study association between the use of facebook and academic performance.4.0 Research MethodologyA descriptive research was used for study Impact of Facebook on studentsacademic performance. A survey approach was chosen to gather information from students of Ahmedabad. Non-probability sampling technique or convenience sampling was used. The structured questionnaire was developed and administered to 100 respondents. Before finalizing questionnaire intuitive feeling of expert panel was taken and it was followed by pilot survey of 15 stud ents . Data and information gathered through questionnaire were analyzed using SPSS Software. Various statistical tests like chi -square and fisher exact test were performed to study Impact of Facebook on studentsacademic performance.5.0 HypothesisH1 There is world-shattering association in academic performance among facebook users with different frequencyH2 There is strong association for ownership of GPRS Phone and use of facebook.6.0 Analysis and Interpretation6.1 Most preferred social networking sitesSNSResponsesFacebook107(40.1%)LinkedIn5(1.9%)Twitter13(4.9%)Orkut42(15.7%)YouTube41(15.4%)Google+59(22.1%) congeries267(100%) plug-in 1To study most preferred sites among students we have asked multiple choice questions to respondents what is your most preferred social networking site. Table 1 shows that 40.1% respondent preferred face book ,Google+ is followed by facebook . LinkedIn and twitter are not preferred by students of ahmedabad.6.2 Time spent on FacebookTable 2 Time spen t on Facebook30 min. to 1Hr1 hr to 2 hr2 hrTotalDay22217959 calendar week16115335Fortnight10102Month432110Total43351513106Table 2Table 2 show the time spent by students on facebook , it reported that students who used facebook generally the logged In several time or once in a day and spent time 1 hour or less than that mostly. Very few students log in on facebook fortnightly or monthly. So we can say that students use facebook frequently.6.3 usance of FacebookPurpose of FacebookResponsesKeeping in Touch with Friends93(29.4%)Looking Photos/Videos37(11.7%)Playing Games14(4.4%)Chatting69(21.8%)Applications20(6.3%)Messaging43(13.6%)Communicating with Faculties21(6.6%)Making Academic discussion Group19(6%)Table 3Results of Table 3 shows that 29.4% Students used facebook for keeping touch with friends, 21.8% respondent used facebook for Chatting only 6.6% respondents used facebook for Communicating with faculties and making academic discussion so, majority of students preferred to use fa ce book for keeping touch with friends, chatting and messaging. for Playing games, communicating with faculties and for academic discussion very less students preferred Facebook.6.4 Hypothesis 1H1 There is significant association in academic performance among facebook users with different frequency.To check association of academic performance among facebook users with different frequencies chi-square test of association were performed .TimePercentage30 minutes to 1 hour1 hourTotal1311832=60 Percentage910827Total22211659Table 6 Chi-square testDegree of Freedom3Level of Significant5% figure Value0.2915Table Value7.8150From above table we have found that calculated value for chi-square was 0.2915 and table value at 5% level of significant and 3 d.f was 7.8150 which is greater than calculated value so, we found that there is no significant association in academic performance among facebook users with different frequency.6.5 Hypothesis 2H2 There is significant association for ownership o f GPRS Phone and use of facebook.Some literature studies found that introduction of the Smartphone increased the usage of the facebook. So to find out the relationship between ownership of GPRS supported phone and use of facebook, Fishers exact test was used. Result of the test shown in table below.ValuedfAsymp. Sig. (2-sided)Exact Sig. (2-sided)Pearson Chi-Square4.718a1.030Continuity Correctionb2.5581.110Likelihood Ratio4.0951.043Fishers Exact Test.062Linear-by-Linear Association4.6641.031N of Valid Casesb87To study association for ownership of GPRS phone and use of Facebook Fishers exact test was performed. P-value of fishers exact test is 0.062 which is greater than level of significance value (0.05) So, There is no significant association for ownership of GPRS phone and use of Facebook.6.6 Perception of FacebookTo study perception towards facebook whether facebook have any impact on academic performance of students we have asked several questions and asked respondents to rate ha rmonize to their perception where 1 for strongly agree and 5 for strongly disagree.StatementsMean scoreFacebook influences my academic performance negatively, because they distract me from my studies.2.86Using Facebook requires spending money and are wastage of time and by this way it will affect my academic life.2.96Addiction to Facebook is problematic issue that affects my academic life.2.95I find it hard concentrating on study knowing that I can play online games and visit the site just by logging into it3.08I compare my grades before I become booked into the Facebook and after I became involved. I see a drop in my academic performance.3.11Facebook is personal/ social-cant be used for education.3.01The usage of Facebook is useful in higher educational institutions, because it is an effective communication application.2.49Group discussions can be arranged with my classmates using Facebook.2.42An appointment can be fixed with my lecturer through Facebook.2.84Facebook is helpful in my studies because I can receive announcements from lecturers and faculty.2.77Facebook help in my studies because I can discuss my assignments with friends.2.52Using Facebook improves my interaction with classmates and lecturers2.57I use Facebook to urge academic activities and coordinate with friends2.50 Table 7Table 7 we found that students have neutral opinion for facebook is personal cant be used for education and because of facebook there academic performance is dropped. Rest of statement students are agree.7.0 Findings and ConclusionAmong the students, facebook is the most preferred social networking site and google plus is the second preferred site. utmost students use facebook on daily basis for various purposes like chatting and being in touch with friends.The use of facebook is very less for academic purpose like discussion with faculties.There is no impact on students academic performance due to the use of facebook.Use of GPRS phone has no impact on facebook usage.

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